On Thursday, NBC announced that it will honor entries from same-sex couples for The Today Show’s Modern Day Wedding Contest. Winners of the contest will win a free wedding broadcasted on The Today Show and an all-expense-paid honeymoon.
Originally, the contest was open only to heterosexual couples. However, once word got out, GLAAD threw an absolute hissy and issued a “call to action” to its members. There was hissing and slapping and scratching and hair pulling and even a little punching… you know, from the lesbians… and the gals did it! NBC agreed to open up the contest to same-sex couples and has extended the application deadline to July 12th in order to allow all qualifying same-sex couples to enter.
Needless to say, NBC has received tons of feedback, over 1200 Facebook comments, both positive and negative. Gay men who have always dreamed of wearing Vera Wang are gushing, while old, dried-up church ladies and former Miss Californias are having absolute break-downs. But really? With this recent controversy and Friday’s Lady Gaga performance, isn’t this the most anyone has talked about The Today Show in a really long time? Seriously? I don’t even think I’ve watched it since America’s sweetheart, Katie Couric, went on to the evening news. Heck, until I saw this article in USA Today, I had no idea that Al Roker had gotten skinny!
This is a terrific PR opportunity for the show. Personally, I sure in the hell won’t be waking up at 8 a.m. to kick it with Matt Lauer and Meredith Viera any time soon; but I might occasionally DVR it.
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